Archive for November 14th, 2009

gamed most day. post baby son's haircut&bath photos.

November 14, 2009

cared d/l since got up. read&gamed most of the day. accompany baby son going to haircut with his mom. the grandma visited&cleaned house&cooked dumplings. baby got bathed in night, after 2 weeks’ heat. shot photos of haircut&bath, posted to picasaweb immediately. gamed with baby in night.

dreamed of hometown.

November 14, 2009

dreamed of hometown, where i help a wizard re-arrange his luxury house to decrease radiations from modern entertain equipments. also dreamed i returned hometown from fields, met women in front of the village. after woke up, sex desire turns strong, dreamed made love with baby’s mom and another female in a house.